Third Coast will be heading over to Bell's Eccentric Cafe on Sunday, August 30th, from 2-6pm, for a Summer’s End Celebration & Gala Fundraiser hosted by New Issues Press. Looks like a great way to soak up some late summer fun! As the New Issues blog notes:
"New Issues poets and Michigan writers John Rybicki, Heather Sellers,David Dodd Lee, Diane Seuss, and Jamie D’Agostino will read briefly from their poetry. The inimitable Bonnie Jo Campbell will serve as auctioneer for a variety of excellent paintings, rarities, and hilarities.Whiskey Before Breakfast will perform traditional Irish dance music."
Copies of the latest issue of Third Coast, which includes new fiction by celebration auctioneer Bonnie Jo Campbell, will also be available.
If you're in the Kalamazoo area, come on down to Bell's Eccentric Cafe, enjoying the readings, and be sure to introduce yourselves to our editors!
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